When you owe back taxes, reprisals from the IRS can be serious. But you can avoid a lot of problems simply by taking the right steps while there’s still time.


Q. Can the IRS take everything I own?
A. Unfortunately, without an IRS settlement, they have the legal right to take just about everything: real estate, retirement accounts, personal property, investments, bank accounts, plus whatever else they can seize at a visit to your office or home – whether or not you are there at the time.
Q. Can I go to jail for not paying my taxes?
A. Only if your actions are deemed criminal. This is usually not the case, but we would advise you to check with us to be sure.
Q. Can the IRS take my car?
A. The IRS can seize your car. But under certain conditions, you can keep your car or get your car back after it has been seized. One proven way to do this is by following procedure in IRM 56 (12) 8.1, 8.2 and IRC 6343. There are also ways to reposition your transportation needs to keep your car out of the reaches of the IRS. These procedures can be intricate, so call us and we can discuss this further. –more
Q. Can the IRS take my home?
A. Yes, and under IRS procedure IRC 6337, you may be able to have it returned. Typically a person who is in this position has let quite a bit of time elapse and tested the patience of the IRS. Don’t let things get this far-gone, but if you have, call us immediately, and well help with a tax settlement.
Q. Can the IRS garnish my wages?
A. Yes, the IRS can garnish your wages, and, believe it or not, they can leave you with as little as $50 a week to take home.

Here’s how they do this: The IRS contacts your employer, and requires your employer to pay the IRS instead of you. Your employer must pay the IRS ahead of you, otherwise the employer is liable. So, there is no sense in jeopardizing your job, and your pay, as well as airing your dirty laundry. Come in and let us show you how we can make this problem go away.

Q. How can I get a good job when the government is going to garnish my wages?
A. By negotiating a settlement with the IRS, we can stop wage garnishment, liens, levies and seizures before and after they take place. And many times we can stop the IRS from doing more, and even get you your money back. That’s why it’s important for you to take action immediately.
Q. I want to get married, but I’m afraid the IRS will take all of my and my fiance’s money. True?
A. Yes they will, if the money is co-mingled. It’s very possible that your fiance’s assets are co-mingled will be seized also. It’s important to know how to take title to your assets. It’s also important for you to deal with this problem together, getting professional help. If you haven’t already told your fiance, see us first about how to approach this relationship-threatening issue safely, with the IRS.
Q. I’m behind in my payroll taxes. Can the IRS shut down my business?
A. Yes, in no time flat. But there is a way to stop the IRS right at your door. Call us, and see if it works for you.
Q. Is there any way out of this nightmare?
A. The IRS has many programs that can be applied in many circumstances. With a correct analysis of your problem, and the selection of the right program, your chances of resolution, like an IRS settlement – and a good night’s sleep are greatly increased.
Q. Should I just declare bankruptcy and make it all go away?
A. While that might be a solution for you, there are drawbacks. First, if you have payroll taxes due, bankruptcy will not release you from that problem. Second, if you don’t meet IRS specified time, filing and compliance requirements regarding your income tax, you will still owe those taxes, even if you file bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy should only be used under the most severe circumstances, as there are often many better ways to resolve tax problems than ruining your credit for many years to come.

Q. Why would the IRS come to my house?
A. In certain situations, the IRS will in fact come to your house or place of business. These field audits always occur after several attempts for communication has been made by the Agency and all have gone unanswered by you.

IRS come to my house

Q. Can a CPA negotiate taxes with the IRS?
A. Yes. Anyone who is accepted to practice can represent a taxpayer and negotiate on their behalf. However, there is a form(Form 2848) provided by the IRS that must be filled out giving the IRS written announcement that they are in fact qualified and authorized to represent a certain individual.

CPA Negotiate with IRS